Good morning Weather Warrior!
It has been an excellent first four weeks of competition and are approaching the final of the playoffs. I wanted to check in with everyone and make sure they knew what was going on with the game, because our “side competitions” are going to be changing effective Tuesday. There’s also a change to the way we are scoring each day.
Starting with the day to day scoring, Weather Warrior has moved to eliminate warning bonuses. This change was made for a multitude of different reasons, but it ultimately came down to how reliably they were being done. In their place, administration is adding points to the standings based on where competitors finish in a day. If you make (or are tied for) the highest score in a day, five points are added to the standings in your name. The second highest score gets three points, and the third gets one. This should make every day competitive, even the most mundane.
Tuesday, December 8th (TOMORROW!) sees a new addition to Weather Warrior. The Champions League will feature 32 of the best players from the past season based on a wide variety of criteria. These competitors are split into eight groups of four. They will play a double round robin, with a 16-player single-elimination tournament afterwards.
Also returning next week is Weekend League. Captains and teams have already been determined, and the first set of picks will be made for Friday, December 11th. Region selections are due by Wednesday of each week at midnight, and captains can expect to be reminded ahead of time. If you have questions as to whether you are on a team, contact an administrator.
Much further down the line, I wanted to introduce the final part of the “side competitions,” The Super Cup. Four competitors will compete—The winner of the playoffs, the winner of the Champions League, the captain in charge of the best Weekend League team, and the best remaining player in the standings of the previous regular season. This begins Tuesday, February 16th, but it’s something to look forward to as a season-ender.
As a reminder, if you are not planning on continuing in Weather Warrior, contact a site administrator so we can get you off of our sheets and not put you into a situation where you will not be competing. Administration is here for you. We know this is a challenging time, but if you have comments, concerns, or ideas about the game, every administrator is available for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
From all of us at Weather Warrior, have a great holiday season!
Andrew Terry, Commissioner
Ben Cooper
Diego Garcia
Logan Giles
John Napoli
Jon Parker