I know there hasn't been a Daily news in a couple days, but we're back with a longer edition today.
Top Five Cities from Saturday:
Key West, FL (KEYW)- 1028
Marathon, FL (KMTH)- 879
Key West (Naval), FL (KNQX)- 754
Majuro, Marshall Islands (PKMR)- 280
Puntaneras, Costa Rica (MRCH)- 267
- Toastal Plain gets over 1,000 points with over nine inches of rain in Key West, Florida
- SwagWxChicago's lead in standings currently sits at 386 points.
- Weekend League: Five sweeps for the fifth matchup
- Convective: Days 1, 2, and 3 all general thunderstorm risks.
Top Three Competitor Scores
Toastal Plain (KEYW)- 1028.00
CHSStormTracker, Dairy Queen Blizzard, doctorCrab, JRN785, Panda, SEMichigan_Wx, SuperDestructiveTwister, SwagWxChicago, and WeathermanSam (KMTH)- 879.00
BlizzardJon (MRCH)- 480.60
The Back Pages
Today's Picks- Tropical Storm Sally continues to affect Southwest Florida, places like Apalachicola are the most popular for today, but Mobile and Biloxi are looking popular this week.
Weekend League- Dragons, Bulldogs, Tigers, Cobras, and Hawks all win their matchups 2-0, no scores on Day 3.
One (Two) More Thing(s)- Top 10 in Standings and an Administration Note
Top 10 in Standings
SwagWxChicago (1540 points, 428.05 average)
WeathermanSam (1154, 342.73)
JRN785 (1131, 323.33)
SEMichigan_Wx (1045, 368.74)
Central_Oh_Wx (1026, 333.08)
Bust City King (857, 338.78)
Toastal Plain (828, 313.53)
CHSStormTracker (805, 349.22)
Dairy Queen Blizzard (803, 277.89)
doctorCrab (800, 322.00)
Administration Note- We had our first mulligan be used the other day. As a reminder, each player starts with one mulligan, and can earn a second after making 45 picks. If you use a mulligan, you still must make three picks in a week to earn points towards the standings. If you have any questions, please contact an administrator.