Good Tuesday morning, Weather Warrior!
Top Five Cities
Pensacola, FL (KPNS)- 298
Havana, Cuba (MUHA)- 267
Miami, FL (KMIA)- 153
Marianna, FL (KMAI)- 136
Mobile (Bates), FL (KMOB)- 119
- Marco fizzles out on Louisiana Coast, New Orleans disappoints.
- Competition leader SwagWxChicago gets daily win with 2.44 inches of rain in Pensacola.
- Weather Warrior Fact: 17 competitors have maximum scores over 1000 points.
- Convective: Enhanced Risk in South Jersey, Delaware, and Washington DC.
Top Three Competitor Scores
SwagWxChicago (KPNS)- 298.00
Central_Oh_Wx and SEMichigan_Wx (MUHA)- 290.40
Ronald Martinez (MUHA)- 267.00
The Back Pages
Today's Picks- Laurel, Costa Rica the most popular location, followed by Acapulco.
One More Thing-
Round Two Weekend League Scores
- Dragons (263.25, 175.25, 441.00) def. Bulldogs (256.50, 280.00, 191.75)
- Knights (159.00, 403.00) def. Dolphins (147.75, 26.75)
- Tigers (122.75, 154.50) def. Hawks (15.00, 18.25)
- Lions (299.00, 194.00) def. Wolverines (77.00, 98.33)
- Cobras (129.00, 249.00) def. Gators (93.50, 140.75)