Happy Weekend, Weather Warrior!
Top Five Cities from Friday:
Detroit (Metro), MI (KDTW)- 324
West Memphis, AR (KAWM)- 298
Wheeling, OH (KHLG)- 297
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (MMPR)- 238
Lake Charles, LA (KLCH)- 237
- Scores considerably muted compared to yesterday, no location getting more than 3 inches of rain
- Pick Switch to his home airport pays for SEMichigan_Wx, wins day on 1 Day multiplier
- SwagWxChicago maintains lead in tournament, 250 point lead on Central_Oh_Wx
- Convective: Slight risk in East Oklahoma and Arkansas, from portions of Vermont to the Crystal Coast of North Carolina
Top Three Competitor Scores
SEMichigan_Wx (KDTW)- 324.00
BoldColdPicker (KMEM)- 316.10
OKCStormWatcher and PenguinsFan87 (KMEM)- 283.40
The Back Pages
Today's Picks- Remnants of Laura push eastward, but picks scatter across Great Lakes and South Atlantic.
Weekend League Update- Before bonuses, Bulldogs, Lions, Dragons, Cobras, and Gators lead the way after Day 1.
One More Thing
Administration would like to remind our competitors of a few things, and make a couple of statements:
To earn points in the standings for the full game, you must make three picks in a Monday-Sunday week. If you don't meet that threshold, you will not earn any points, and your scores go for naught.
If you are not going to pick in this season of Weather Warrior, either for the full game or Weekend League, please contact administration immediately so we can take you off of our standings sheets. Weekend League scores are calculated as an average of the team's scores, so your lack of picking makes an impact.
Regarding the WorldWeatherOnline debate in our chat rooms recently: We use WorldWeatherOnline as a backup source for information when we have exhausted all other resources, including NWS Daily Climate reports, NWS 3-Day Reports, Weather Underground, Personal Weather Stations, and more. Latin American locations are the biggest user of WWO, but we recognize that the results provided from there may not be the most accurate. We respect these claims and are looking to make improvements for next season.
All of that being said, Administration will host a meeting some time during October for ALL Weather Warrior members to discuss the future of the game. We will make the date and time public once it is decided. Your opinion is valued, and we want you to express it. If you can not make the given meeting time, we will have a form for you to fill out where you can answer a few questions and leave comments. As always, you can contact any administrator at any time.
Andrew Terry
Weather Warrior Secretary and Daily Editor